의료기기제조 스타트업 Pensees의 바이오 3D 프린터로 인체 골격의 함몰 부위를 재건하기 위해 세포를 배양하기 위한 기본 틀을 만드는 제품입니다. 델타 방식의 프린터 구조로 삼각형의 안정된 골격을 취하고 있습니다. 전면 컨트롤 패널은 좌우 대칭의 인터페이스 구조로 듀얼 헤드머신을 직관적으로 조작하기 위한 디자인입니다. Pensees의 고유한 컬러 아이덴티티인 퍼플 컬러를 포인트 컬러로 적용함으로써 향후 만들어질 제품 라인업의 컬러 일관성을 유지했습니다.
It is a product that creates a basic frame for culturing cells to reconstruct the depressed part of the human skeleton with a bio 3D printer of Pensees, a medical device manufacturing startup. It has a stable triangular skeleton with a delta-type printer structure. The front control panel is designed to intuitively operate the dual head machine with a symmetrical interface structure. By applying the purple color, which is Pensees' unique color identity, as a point color, the color consistency of the product lineup to be created in the future was maintained.
It is a product that creates a basic frame for culturing cells to reconstruct the depressed part of the human skeleton with a bio 3D printer of Pensees, a medical device manufacturing startup. It has a stable triangular skeleton with a delta-type printer structure. The front control panel is designed to intuitively operate the dual head machine with a symmetrical interface structure. By applying the purple color, which is Pensees' unique color identity, as a point color, the color consistency of the product lineup to be created in the future was maintained.