인공지능 결재 플랫폼을 개발하고 있는 스타트업, A.I Studio의 제품으로 비전 카메라를 통한 제품 인식이 가능해 소규모 제과점 등에서 사용이 가능한 인공지능 포스 시스템입니다. 제품 상단에 내장된 카메라를 통해 제품을 능동적으로 인식해 점원 없이도 상점 운영이 가능한 무인 포스입니다. 기존 포스와 결합해 사용이 가능하기 때문에 기존 포스와 어우러지는 디자인입니다.
It is a product of A.I Studio, a startup that is developing an artificial intelligence payment platform. It is an AI POS system that can be used in small bakeries, etc. because it can recognize the product through a vision camera. It is an unmanned force that can operate a store without a clerk by actively recognizing the product through the camera built into the top of the product. It is a design that harmonizes with the existing force because it can be used in combination with the existing force.
It is a product of A.I Studio, a startup that is developing an artificial intelligence payment platform. It is an AI POS system that can be used in small bakeries, etc. because it can recognize the product through a vision camera. It is an unmanned force that can operate a store without a clerk by actively recognizing the product through the camera built into the top of the product. It is a design that harmonizes with the existing force because it can be used in combination with the existing force.