히타치엘지데이터스토리지(HLDS)의 신규 브랜드 런칭을 위한 포터블 파워뱅크 디자인으로 제품의 기획부터 디자인까지 총체적 사용자 경험을 새롭게 정의한 프로젝트입니다. 기존 파워뱅크보다 뛰어난 사용성을 위해 스마트폰에 탈부착할 수 있는 시스템을 고안했으며, 동영상을 좀 더 편안하게 감상할 수 있는 거치방식에 대해 고민했습니다. 디자인의 차별화를 넘어 기능의 차별화에 초점을 두었던 프로젝트입니다.
It is a project that newly defined the overall user experience from product planning to design with a portable power bank design for the launch of a new brand of Hitachi LG Data Storage (HLDS). We designed a system that can be attached to and detached from a smartphone for superior usability than the existing power bank, and we thought about a mounting method that allows you to enjoy video clips more comfortably. This is a project that focused on the differentiation of functions beyond the differentiation of design.
It is a project that newly defined the overall user experience from product planning to design with a portable power bank design for the launch of a new brand of Hitachi LG Data Storage (HLDS). We designed a system that can be attached to and detached from a smartphone for superior usability than the existing power bank, and we thought about a mounting method that allows you to enjoy video clips more comfortably. This is a project that focused on the differentiation of functions beyond the differentiation of design.